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BankAccount b = new BankAccount();
Teller t1 = new Teller(a, b);
Teller t2 = new Teller(b, a);
try {
}catch(InterruptedException e) {}
System.out.println(“a balance = “ + a.getBalance());
System.out.println(“b balance = “ + b.getBalance());
The output varies depending on the environment, but deadlock can occur immediately, in
which case the output is
Making a deposit: 100.0
Here is what happens: the deposit of $100.00 is successfully made on BankAccount a ,
but the two Teller threads deadlock before any other output occurs. The t1 thread grabs
the lock on a , then yields. The t2 thread grabs the lock on b , then yields. The t1 thread
now attempts to acquire the b lock, but t2 owns it, so t1 becomes blocked. The t2 thread
attempts to acquire the a lock, but t1 owns it so t2 becomes blocked. Neither thread will
ever become runnable again because the locks they are waiting for will never be freed. In
addition, the main thread of the DeadlockDemo program is also blocked forever because it
called join on both t1 and t2 , and neither of those two threads can run to completion.
Starting threads is easy but working with them can be diffi cult. The BankAccount
example shown here is the typical example used to demonstrate deadlock. By the way,
there are several fi xes to this problem. One common design pattern is to order your
locks. If a thread needs multiple locks, then those objects should have some type of
ordering so that all threads ask for multiple locks in the same order. For example, when
t1 and t2 needed the a and b locks, both threads should have attempted to acquire the
a lock fi rst. When the t2 thread attempts to grab the a lock and t1 already owns it, t2 is
blocked but does not own any monitor locks, leaving the b lock available for the t1 thread
to complete its task successfully and avoid this deadlock scenario.
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