Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The SCJP exam objectives specifi cally list ten exceptions, and we examined the details
of each one, including which ones are thrown by the JVM and which ones are thrown
Be sure to test your knowledge of fl ow control by answering the Review Questions that
follow. Make sure you have a good understanding of the following Exam Essentials before
attempting the Review Questions, and good luck!
Exam Essentials
Understand the if and switch decision control structures. The if and switch statements
show up on a lot on the exam. The questions are usually testing your knowledge of some
other aspect of Java, so it is important to be very familiar with if and switch .
Understand the looping control structures. Make sure you know the syntax and behavior
of for , while , and do loops, including the enhanced for loop. Expect at least one exam
question testing your basic understanding of one of the loops, along with at least one ques-
tion involving nested loops.
Know how to enable assertions. Assertions are a new concept in Java, and they are
enabled by default. Watch for a question that uses assertions but does not enable them, or a
question that tests your knowledge of how assertions are enabled from the command line.
Understand the flow of control of a try-catch-finally block. Exception handling is an
important concept in Java programming. You need to understand the fl ow of control of all
aspects of a try-catch-finally statement, whether or not an exception occurs.
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