Java Reference
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8. char data = (char);
9. System.out.println(“Just read: “ + data);
10. } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
11. System.out.println(“Oops - file not found: “ +
12. e.getMessage());
13. } catch(IOException e) {
14. System.out.println(“Something went wrong”);
15. e.printStackTrace();
16. }
17. System.out.println(“End of readFromFile”);
18. }
20. public static void main(String [] args) {
21. MyFileReader reader = new MyFileReader();
22. reader.readFromFile(“mydata.txt”);
23. System.out.println(“End of main”);
24. }
Here is the fl ow of control of main when no fi le is found:
1. Line 21 instantiates a new MyFileReader object and its readFromFile method is
invoked on line 22 with the filename mydata.txt .
2. The try block is entered on line 5.
3. The FileReader constructor invoked on line 6 throws a
.FileNotFoundException .
4. Flow of control jumps to the first catch block on line 10. The FileNotFoundException
is caught and e refers to it. Line 11 displays a message.
5. The catch on line 13 is skipped because the exception has already been caught. Line 17
executes and the readFromFile method completes its execution.
6. Control jumps to line 23. End of main displays and the program finishes successfully.
The output of running MyFileReader is
Oops - file not found: mydata.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
End of readFromFile
End of main
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