Java Reference
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The do Statement
The exam objectives state that you should be able to “develop code that implements all
forms of loops and iterators, including do.” A do statement , also referred to as a do-
while loop, is a repetition control structure that is useful for repeating a block of code an
indeterminate number of times, but at least once. A do-while loop is declared using the do
keyword. Figure 3.6 shows the syntax of a do statement.
The syntax of a do statement
Curly braces are
required if the body
is more than one
The body of the loop
executes while the
boolean expression
is true.
The do
do {
//body of loop
} while( boolean_expression );
The while keyword
Parentheses (required)
The following rules apply to a do statement:
The body of the loop executes once before the boolean expression is tested.
The value in parentheses must evaluate to a boolean expression, either true or false .
If the boolean expression is true , the body of the loop executes again, and then the
boolean is checked again.
If the boolean expression is false , the loop does not execute again and control jumps
to the next statement following the end of the loop.
Just like a while loop, the body of the do loop executes until the boolean expression is
false .
Don't forget the semicolon after the boolean expression — it's easy to miss!
The following simple example prints out the numbers 1 to 10 :
3. int y = 1;
4. do {
5. System.out.print(y++ + “ “);
6. }while(y <= 10);
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