Java Reference
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The while Statement
The exam objectives state that you should be able to “develop code that implements all
forms of loops and iterators, including while”. A while statement is a repetition control
structure that is useful for repeating a block of code an indeterminate number of times.
Figure 3.5 shows the syntax of a while statement.
The syntax of a while loop
The while keyword
Parentheses (required)
Curly braces are
required if the body
is more than one
while ( boolean_expression ) {
//body of loop
The body of the loop executes
while the boolean expression is
The following rules apply to a while statement:
The value in parentheses must evaluate to a boolean expression, either true or false.
If the boolean expression is true , the body of the loop executes and the boolean is
checked again.
If the boolean expression is false , the loop does not execute and control jumps to the
next statement following the end of the loop.
The body of the loop executes until the boolean expression is false .
Let's start with a simple example. The following while statement prints the char s 'A' to
'H' on the same line:
3. char c = 'A';
4. while(c <= 'H') {
5. System.out.print(c++);
6. }
The loop executes eight times, and the output is
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