Java Reference
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line of the constructor. If you write a constructor and do not explicitly call this or super
on the fi rst line, the compiler inserts super() .
Know how to declare and use an enumeration. An enumeration is declared using the enum
keyword. Expect a question on the exam that uses an enum in a switch statement.
Recognize the different types of nested classes. There are four types of nested classes:
member, local, anonymous and static. Member, local and anonymous nested classes are
referred to as inner classes because they have access to all the fi elds and methods of their
corresponding outer class. Local inner classes can only access local variables that are fi nal.
Understand how to instantiate and use arrays. Arrays are a common occurrence in the
exam questions. Remember that an array is fi xed in size and accessing an index outside of
the array's range results in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. All array objects have a
length attribute. Arrays can be in a single statement using an array initializer.
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