Java Reference
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The output of this loop is
If you ever need the integer value of an enum element, you can use the static method
ordinal inherited from java.lang.Enum . Can you determine the output of the following
for-each loop?
14. for(Direction d : Direction.values()) {
15. System.out.print(d.ordinal() + “ “);
16. }
The integer values of an enum start at 0 and Direction has four values, so the output is
0 1 2 3
The static valueOf method, inherited from java.lang.Enum , is used to convert a String
value to its corresponding enum value. Examine the following statements and try to
determine the output:
23. Direction home = Direction.valueOf(“SOUTH”);
24. System.out.println(“Heading “ + home);
25. Direction nowhere = Direction.valueOf(“NORTHWEST”);
26. System.out.println(“Going “ + nowhere);
The home variable equals Direction.SOUTH , so line 24 displays
Heading SOUTH
However, line 25 throws an exception at runtime because NORTHWEST is not an element
of Direction . The stack trace looks like this:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
No enum const class Direction.NORTHWEST
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
at Direction.valueOf(
at EnumTest.main(
Declaring enum Methods
An enum can declare methods and constructors, as well as other fi elds that are not a part
of the enumerated list of elements. The enumeration list must be declared fi rst in the enum,
followed by a semicolon.
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