Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Notice ColorChanger contains the main method, so it can be executed as a Java
program. Figure 2.8 shows what the ColorChanger program looks like when it is executed.
FIGURE 2.8 The ColorChanger program.
Do not get hung up on the details of the graphical user interface (GUI)
code in the ColorChanger example. The SCJP exam no longer requires
knowledge of GUI programming. However, whether or not you understand
what the code does, you should definitely be able to identify the various
elements of the ColorChanger class.
All of these different elements of a class are listed in the exam objectives. If you have not
seen some of these concepts before, do not worry as I cover all of these topics in detail. We
start with a discussion on object initialization, which covers the details of constructors and
the instance and static initializers. Then we discuss the details of writing Java methods and
nested classes.
The Instantiation Process
Initialization is one of the main exam objectives and refers to the details of initializing
the various data types of Java. We have discussed the initialization of primitive types and
arrays. This section discusses the initialization of objects and the instantiation process.
As a Java programmer, you write classes and instantiate them to create objects. The new
operator is the typical way to instantiate a class. For example, the following line of code
instantiates a new java.text.DecimalFormat object:
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(“#,###.00”);
This is a fairly straightforward statement, as you have seen the new operator countless
times before. The new operator instantiates the DecimalFormat object on the heap and
returns a reference to the object. The assignment operator = stores this reference in the
variable df . The new operator also has to specify which constructor is invoked on the class.
In the previous statement, a String is passed in, so the DecimalFormat constructor that
takes in a String is invoked.
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