Java Reference
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For example, the following Apple class uses explicit initialization to initialize its variety
fi eld:
1. public class Apple extends Fruit {
2. public String variety = “McIntosh”;
4. public Apple(String variety) {
5. System.out.println(“Constructing an Apple”);
6. this.variety = variety;
7. }
8. }
The variety fi eld is assigned the value “McIntosh” after the memory is zeroed by the
new operator. That means that variety was actually null for a brief moment before it was
assigned “McIntosh” .
Explicit initialization allows you to initialize a fi eld before a constructor is executed.
However, the most common reason for using explicit initialization is simply that sometimes
it is just easier to initialize a fi eld when you declare it, especially if the initialization is the
same for every instance of the class.
In the previous example, setting the variety fi eld of all Apple objects to initially be
“McIntosh” probably does not make sense in a real-world application. However, there are
plenty of situations where explicit initialization comes in handy. For example, the following
Movie class has a Vector fi eld that contains Fan objects:
1. import java.util.Vector;
3. public class Movie {
4. public Vector<Fan> fans = new Vector<Fan>();
5. public String title;
6. public double boxOfficeTotal;
8. public Movie(String title) {
9. this.title = title;
10. }
12. public void addFan(Fan f) {
13. fans.add(f);
14. }
Because the Vector has the same initial value for all instances of the Movie class, using
explicit initialization makes sense and simplifi es the constructor code. If the Movie class
had multiple constructors, we would have to make sure that the Vector gets instantiated
in each constructor. By using explicit initialization, we are ensured that the fans fi eld is
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