Agriculture Reference
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Coûteaux M.M., McTiernan K., Berg B., Szuberla D., Dardenner P. 1998. Chemical
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Di Nardo C., Cinquegrana A., Papa S., Fuggi A., Fioretto A. 2004. Laccase and peroxidase
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Fioretto A., Musacchio A., Andolfi G., Virzo De Santo A., 1998. Decomposition dynamics of
litters of various pine species in a Corsican pine forest. Soil Biol. Biochem., 30: 721-727.
Fioretto A., Musacchio A., Papa S., Andolfi G., Pellegrino G., Virzo De Santo A. 2001a.
Nutrient dynamics in decomposing litter of three pine species in a Corsican
Mediterranean pine forest. J. of Mediterranean Ecology 2: 63-73.
Fioretto A., Papa S., Curcio E., Sorrentino G., Fuggi A. 2000. Enzyme dynamics on
decomposing leaf litter of Cistus incanus and Myrtus communis in a Mediterranean
ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32: 1847-1855.
Fioretto A., Papa S., Pellegrino A. 2005b. Effects of fire on soil respiration, ATP content and
enzyme activities in Mediterranean maquis. Applied Vegetation Science 8: 13-20.
Fioretto A., Papa S., Pellegrino A., Fuggi A. 2007. Decomposition dynamics of Myrtus
communis and Quercus ilex leaf bitter: Mass loss, microbial activity and quality change.
Appl. Soil Ecol . 36: 32-40.
Fioretto, A., Papa, S., Sorrentino, G., Fuggi, A., 2001b. Decomposition of Cistus incanus leaf
litter in a Mediterranean maquis ecosystem: mass loss, microbial enzyme activities and
nutrient changes. Soil Biol. Biochem. 33: 311-321.
Frankland J.C. 1998. Fungal succession-unravelling the unpredictable. Mycol. Res. 102: 1-15.
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