Agriculture Reference
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Paustian, K., J. Six, E.T. Elliott, and H.W. Hunt. 2000. Management options for reducing
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Qualls R. G. 2004. Biodegradability of humic substances and other fractions of decomposing
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Reicosky, D.C., S.D. Evans, C.A. Cambardella, R.R. Armaras, A.R. Wilts, and D.R. Huggins.
2002. Continuous corn with moldboard tillage: Residue and fertility effects on soil
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Stevenson F. J. 1994. Humus chemistry - Genesis, composition, reactions. 2 nd ed. Wiley,
New York
Wilts, A.R., D.C. Reicosky, R.R. Allmaras, and C.E. Clapp. 2004. Long-term corn residues
effects: harvest alternatives, soil carbon turnover, and root-derived carbon. Soil Sci. Soc.
Am. J. 68:1342-1351
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