Agriculture Reference
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Wegmann, G. (1995). Permafrostvorkommen auf geringer Meereshohe, eine Fallstudie im
Brueltobel. Unpublished diploma thesis, Univeristy of Zurich, Switzerland.
Wynn-Williams, DD. (1982). Simulation of seasonal changes in microbial activity of
maritime Antarctic peat. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 14: 1-12.
Williams, BL and Sparling GP. (1988). Microbial biomass carbon and readily mineralized
nitrogen in peat and forest humus. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 20: 579-581.
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the simultaneous oxidation of total soluble nitrogen and phosphorus in extracts of fresh
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transformations in and under seasonal snow in a high-elevation catchment in the Rocky
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