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studied by means of optogenetics previously, the precise relation
between the glutamate and OT component remains for future
investigation [ 8 ]. This may be further more explored in different
brain regions and with other neuropeptides.
The family of neuropeptides is growing with new members
each year (see and
references therein ). However, the limiting factor for exploration of
their function is the limited number of genetically accessible neu-
ropeptides and their promoters. Despite this, application of opto-
genetics for OT, VP, CRH and other potentials “successors” opens
perspectives to answer basic questions, mentioned above, and to
explore the intrinsic behavioral roles of these neuropeptides,
Optogenetical stimulation has already demonstrated effects on
food intake [ 51 ], sleep-wakefulness cycle [ 19 , 20 , 43 ] and fear
response [ 8 ]. Furthermore, viral and transgenic techniques will
allow the use of opsins to link brain function of mammalian species
with specifi c behaviors (for example, monogamous and polyga-
mous voles; [ 13 , 81 ]) applicable even to brains of monkeys and
other primates. These studies can potentially also provide impor-
tant insights into the alterations in neuropeptide signaling that
may occur in human social and emotional disorders.
This work was supported by grants GR 3619/2-1, GR 3619/3-1,
and GR 3619/4-1 by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to
V. Grinevich, and the Chica and Heinz Schaller Research
Foundation to V. Grinevich and Swiss National Science Foundation,
PPP-CTI, and SSSTC grants to R. Stoop. We thank Anne Seller
for the proofreading of the manuscript.
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