Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 1 Scheme of an experimental in vitro setup for optogenetic manipulation. (a) Whole-cell current-clamp
recording of a PVN neuron expressing the ChR2 virus (in red ). Infected cells are illustrated in the bottom pic-
tures of PVN ( left ) and SON ( middle ). Each blue light pulse (10 ms) induces an action potential, demonstrating
suffi cient ChR2 expression in this neuron. (b, c) Cell-attached (b) and whole-cell voltage clamp (c) of neurons
in the central amygdala after blue light stimulation and evoked secretion of oxytocin. The blue light emitted by
a LED is focused on the region of interest through the objective of the microscope used to visualize the cells.
Spread of light is represented by the blue circle on the scheme. PVN paraventricular nucleus, SON supraoptic
nucleus, AN accessory nuclei, CeL , central lateral amygdala, CeM central medial amygdala
Four weeks after the virus injection, animals can be used for patch
clamp recordings and stimulation with blue light. Since these animals
are nearly 2 months older than the usual 2-3-week-old animals that
are typically used for patch clamp recordings, visualization of neu-
rons with DIC becomes more diffi cult. This is caused by the increase
2.3.3 Slice Preparation
General Considerations
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