Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Using a cotton swab, gently swab the entire skull to
remove conjunctive tissue.
Place syringe in stereotactic device:
-Insert the injection syringe into its holder, making
sure that the plunger is straight and fastened.
-If needle is beveled, rotate syringe so that the opening
faces the axis that will allow the virus to spread to tar-
get area most effectively. Example: bevel could be fac-
ing anterior if injection coordinate is relatively at the
posterior end of the intended area.
-Lower the syringe plunger until base of plunger is
close to the bottom of the syringe.
11. Identify bregma (Fig. 1 -bIII):
Identify the anterior part of the skull where the coronal
and sagittal sutures intersect ( see Note 7 ).
Place syringe needle over bregma, touch lightly so as not
to bend the needle.
Zero coordinates on stereotactic device.
12. Identify lambda (Fig. 1 -bIV):
Identify lambda as the imaginary point where the sagittal
suture would meet the lambdoid suture if it were a straight
line across (typically about 1 mm posterior to the actual
intersection point; see [ 64 ]).
Position syringe over lambda, touch lightly.
Lambda should fall on the same medial-lateral and dorsal-
ventral position as bregma.
Deviations in height between bregma and lambda should
not exceed 0.1 mm ( see Note 8 ).
13. Place syringe over injection target AP and ML coordinates and
lower until lightly touching skull with needle (Fig. 1 -bV).
Mark target with surgical marker if desired in order to identify
the area for drilling.
14. Craniotomy:
Using the micro-motor drill, make a craniotomy over the
target area by applying light pressure until the dura is vis-
ible. Manage bleeding using a cotton swab or Sugi absor-
bent spear.
Using fi ne tweezers or a needle with a bent tip, carefully
remove the dura from underneath the craniotomy with-
out damaging the underlying cortex.
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