Agriculture Reference
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Soil Classification and Soil Research
Winfried E.H. Blum and Michiel C. Laker
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................43
Soil ClassiÝcation ............................................................................................................................44
Types of ScientiÝc Research and Types of Soil ClassiÝcation Systems.........................................45
Interrelationships between Soil ClassiÝcation and Soil Research ..................................................45
D1: Division 1 Ï Soil in Space and Time..............................................................................46
D2: Division 2 Ï Soil Properties and Processes ....................................................................47
D3: Division 3 Ï Soil Use and Management.........................................................................48
D4: Division 4 Ï The Role of Soils in Sustaining Society and the Environment ................48
Interrelationship between Soil ClassiÝcation and Research in Other Fields of Science ...............48
Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................49
References ........................................................................................................................................49
Since the middle of the 20th century, society has been generous in funding research
(Lubchenco, 1998), and this was a period when almost every Ýeld of scientiÝc endeavor saw
great advances. The development of new research techniques and technologies greatly boosted
research outputs during this period. One of the most important results of these endeavors was
to raise of the world average life expectancy at birth from about 45 years in 1970 to about 65
years in the year 2000. As lifetime expectancy, for hundreds of years, was only about 45 years,
the increase of about 20 years over three decades can be considered as one of the most
outstanding achievements of science, especially the medical sciences, but also the natural
sciences, such as biology, chemistry, hydrology, agricultural sciences, nutritional sciences,
environmental sciences in general, and soil sciences.
In this context, soils play a prominent role in two aspects: One is in a positive sense, because
soil inÞuences the lifetime of humans through adequate nutrition, including clean water, clean air,
and the maintenance of biodiversity. It is also in a negative sense, however, in the case of contam-
ination and pollution of soil and the food chain, of drinking water resources, and of the space in
which we live. Therefore soil research is of great importance for sustainable developmentÐbut in
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