Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4.3 (continued)
Defining Characteristics of the Categories in Soil Taxonomy
Potential Uses
Soils within a subgroup having additional
properties that characterize the parent material
and ambient conditions; the three most
important properties are particle size,
mineralogy, and the soil temperature regime.
Demarcate resource management domains
characterized by similar management
technology and production capabilities
Basic units for extension/technology transfer
Modeling cropping systems performance
Addressing socioeconomic concerns
AMS: 1:25,000 to 1:100,000
MSD: 2.5 to 40
Soils within a family having additional properties
that reflect relatively narrow ranges of soil-
forming factors and of processes, determined
by small variations in local physiographic
conditions, that transform parent material into
To delineate land units for site-specific
management of farms.
Implementing soil-specific farming
Designing farm-level conservation practices
AMS: >1:25,000
MSD: <2.5
AMS = Appropriate map scale.
MSD = Minimum size delineation; smallest area that can be delineated on a map with a legible identification; in hectares.
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