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temperature and soil moisture regimes are insufÝcient in Russia for elaboration of their separate
classiÝcation. As for the second mineralogical (or lithological) component of soil classiÝcation,
the main problem is to distinguish between proper soil (pedogenic) and lithogenic features. From
our point of view, the more promising way is to create a special ecological-landscape classiÝcation
on the basis of the proÝle-genetic classiÝcation of soils. The ecological classiÝcation of landscapes
should take into account not only climatic and lithological indices, but also the geomorphic position
of soils, the character of natural and anthropogenic vegetation, the presence of geochemical barriers
in soils, etc. (Lebedeva et al., 2000).
Russia has more than 100 years history of soil classiÝcation. The Ýrst DokuchaevÔs soil classiÝ-
cation system of 1886 was mainly a proÝle-genetic one.
The approaches to soil classiÝcation in Russia were changing in the following sequence: geological
proÝle-genetic systems.
The current and new Russian soil classiÝcation system is based on substantive approach taking
into account genetically signiÝcant soil features. It includes both natural and human-modiÝed soils
(that are specially classiÝed) and it preserves old traditional names of soils.
The reasonable way to include soil climatic parameters and other important nonpedogenic features
into soil classiÝcation systems is to develop a special soil-ecological-landscape system that is an
adjunct to the soil classiÝcation system.
Anon. 1986.
ClassiÝcation and Diagnostics of Soils of the USSR
. Oxonian Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Dobrovolsky, G.V. and TroÝmov, S.Ya. 1996.
Soil Systematrics and ClassiÝcation
History and Up-to-date
). Moscow State University Press, Moscow (in Russian).
Fridland, V.M. 1981. Fundamentals of the proÝle-genetic component of the basic soil classiÝcation.
6:106Ï118 (in Russian).
Fridland, V.M. 1982. Main Principles and Elements of the Basic Soil ClassiÝcation and the Working Program
for Its Realization. Moscow (in Russian).
Gedroits, K.K. 1966. Genetic soil classiÝcation based on the absorptive soil complex and absorbed soil cations.
Israel Program for ScientiÝc Translation. Jerusalem.
Gennadiev, A.N. and Gerasimova, M.I. 1994. The Evolution of Approaches to Soil ClassiÝcation in Russia
and United States: Divergence and Convergence Stages.
6:34Ï40 (in Russian).
Gerasimov, I.P. 1975. Elementary pedogenic processes as a basis for genetic diagnostics of soils.
5:3Ï9 (in Russian).
Gerasimov, I.P., Zavalishin, A.A., and Ivanova, E.N. 1939. A new pattern of the general classiÝcation of soils
in the Soviet Union.
7:10Ï43 (in Russian).
Glazovskaya, M.A. 1983.
Soils of the World. Vol. 1. Soil Families and Soil Types
. Amerind Publishing Co.
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Ivanova, E.N. and N.N. Rozov, Eds. 1970. ClassiÝcation and determination of soil types. Nos. 1Ï5. Israel
Program for ScientiÝc Translation, Jerusalem.
Kossovich, P.S. 1910. Pedogenic processes as the basis of the genetic soil classiÝcation, ZJL
Opytn. Agron.,
(in Russian).
Kovda, V.A., Lobova, E.V., and Rozanov, B.G. 1967. Problem of world soils classiÝcation.
7:3Ï15 (in Russian).
Lebedeva, I.I., Tonkonogov, V.D., and Gerasimova, M.I. 1996a. Anthropogenically transformed soils in world
soil classiÝcations,
Lebedeva, I.I., Tonkonogov, V.D., and Gerasimova, M.I. 2000. An experience in developing the factor-based
classiÝcation of soils.
Eurasian Soil Sci.
Eurasian Soil Sci.
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