Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11.14
A map of Brazil showing the main distribution of soil order classes.
Ýnal one; it was schemed to permit changes as knowledge of Brazilian soils increases. During the
July 2001 Brazilian Soil Science Society meetings, various proposals were made and questions
were raised that are believed to improve the system. All of them are being examined by the soil
classiÝcation committee.
Baldwin, M., Kellog, C.E., and Thorp, J. 1938. Soil classiÝcation, in Soils and Men. Yearbook of Agriculture.
USDA. U.S. Government Printing OfÝce, Washington, DC.
Bennema, J. and Camargo, M.N. 1964. Segundo esbo parcial de classiÝcao de solos brasileiros. Diviso
de Pedologia e Feritlilidade do Solo. Seo de Pedologia e Levantamento de Solos. Ministrio da
Agricultura. Departamento de Pesquisa e Experimentao Agropecuria. Rio de Janeiro, RJ., Brazil.
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