Agriculture Reference
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Key to Suborders
Anthrosols that have an anthrostagnic moisture regime, and that have an anthraquic epipedon
and a hydragric horizon.
Stagnic Anthrosols
Other Anthrosols.
Orthic Anthrosols
Key to Groups of Stagnic Anthrosols
Stagnic anthrosols that have gleyic features in some layers (10 cm or more thick) within 60
cm of the soil surface.
Gleyi-Stagnic Anthrosols
Other Stagnic Anthrosols that have an iron-percolated grayish subhorizon immediately beneath
the anthrostagnic epipedon.
Fe-leachi-Stagnic Anthrosols
Other Stagnic Anthrosols in which hydragric horizon has at least 1.5 times as much DCB
extractable Fe as the the anthrostagnic epipedon.
Fe-accumuli-Stagnic Anthrosols
Other Stagnic Anthrosols
Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols
Key to Groups of Orthic Anthrosols
Orthic Anthrosols that have a Ýmic epipedon and a phos-agric horizon.
Fimi-Orthic Anthrosols
Other Orthic Anthrosols that have an irragric epipedon.
Siltigi-Orthic Anthrosols
Other Orthic Anthrosols that have a cumulic epipedon with hydromorphic characteristics, and
have both of the following: rusty spots and rusty streaks with a high chroma value in reduced
materials with a low chroma; and relicts of aquatic animals, such as snails and shells.
Mud-cumuli-Orthic Anthrosols
Other Orthic Anthrosols.
Earth-cumuli-Orthic Anthrosols
The classiÝcation of Anthrosols in CSTC (Chinese Soil Taxonomy Research Group, 1995)
has been adopted as the classiÝcation of Anthrosols in WRB (ISSS/ISRIC/FAO, 1998). But
there are no Anthrosols as an independent soil order in Soil Taxonomy (ST) (Soil Survey Staff,
The Relationship of Anthrosols with Other Soil Orders
The genetic relationship between Anthrosols and other soil orders is given in Figure 10.13. On
the natural soils, by the irrigation-accumulation and plow, the Irragri-Orthic Anthrosols were
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