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forced to use a handful of those annoying little sachets instead, it is a joy. Albeit a guilty
Of course, when I get to where I'm going I find that my hosts have cooked some
fresh-off-the-farm's-own-fields lamb with gleaming new potatoes and a selection of suc-
culent vegetables, and I feel really guilty about the mass-production time warp pseudo
curry I've just eaten on the boat, but that's just the way it goes. Anyway, I have a couple
of glasses of wine, and then another couple of glasses of wine … and then a second din-
ner partly out of politeness but partly also because it all just looks and smells so good.
And that, I strongly suspect, is the start of a process which sees me put on nearly a
stone in weight during the laughingly entitled 'research' phase of this topic.
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