Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
6.3.3 Pentaerythritol Tetrakis
The chemical code: PETKAA
The molecular formula: C 13 H 16 N 12 O 8
The chemical structure:
The molecular weight: 468.35
The oxygen balance:
88.82 % (calculated according to the production CO 2 )
The nitrogen content: 36 %
Chemical and physical properties: relative density (1.39)
The friction sensitivity: 360 N
The impact sensitivity: 60 Nm
6.4 Azidonitrate Ester
Azidonitrate ester is a kind of liquid-rich nitrogen compounds, which have not only
properties of nitrate ester, but also the energy of azides. They are regarded as high
energy adhesion agents and plasticizers, optimized materials of future propellants
and polymer-bonded explosives. They have wide application foreground.
6.4.1 Properties and Preparation of Pentaerylthritol Diazido
Diazidoneopentyl nitrate is pentaerylthritol diazido dinitrate. Its chemical code is
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