Environmental Engineering Reference
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5.2.9 Property and Preparation of Glycidyl Nitrate [ 3 ]
Molecular formula: C 3 H 5 NO 4
Chemical structure:
CH 2 ONO 2
CH 2
Molecular weight: 119.07
Oxygen balance:
60.46 % (CO 2 -based)
Nitrogen content: 11.76 %
Glycidyl nitrate is decomposed at 174
C under atmosphere pressure and
C under 20 mmHg pressure. Its density at 20
C is 1.332. Glycidyl nitrate is
slightly dissolved into cold water. At 20
C, 100 mL water can dissolve 5 g glycidyl
nitrate. Glycidyl nitrate in water at boiling condition is hydrolyzed to ʱ -glycirine
nitrate. The solubility of collodion in glycidyl nitrate is high.
The explosive heat of glycidyl nitrate is 3447.62 J/g. It will be detonated under
shock with a characteristic height of 10
20 cm. Under continuous heat to 195
C, it will explode. The lead-block value with water
filling is about 430 cm
(falling weight of 2 kg).
Glycidyl nitrate is formed by hydrolysis of two isomers of glycerine dinitrate.
Glycerine dinitrate is hydrolyzed in 30 % KOH solution at room temperature. The
oily precipitate is glycidyl nitrate with the yield of 95 %. After stability treatment, the
final product can be obtained by water washing to pH 7 and drying with a desiccant.
5.2.10 Property and Preparation of Dichloroglycerol Nitrate
[ 3 ]
Dichloroglycerol nitrate, without explosive property, is formed by substituting two
oxhydryl groups of glycerol nitrate with two chloro groups.
Molecular formula: C 3 H 5 NO 3 Cl 2
Chemical structure:
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