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Natural Resources (MENR) and State Planning Organization (SPO) within five year
development planning periods. The MENR model requires a large amount of detailed
data for total and sectoral energy consumption estimations [12].
Meta-heuristic methods, which are used to solve combinatorial optimization prob-
lems, have been applied to estimate energy consumption in the energy literature. Ge-
netic Algorithm (GA) based solution methods were used for estimating transport energy
estimation [13-15]. Ozcelik and Hepbasli [16] applied a simulated annealing method to
estimate energy production and consumption. The results of the study stated that a rising
standard of living for the world's growing population meant increasing world energy
consumption [17].
Lakshminarayana [18] described the pattern of electrical energy consumption on a
medium/long term basis based on its interaction with other related techno-
econometric and demographic indicators (variables), such as population, GDP, capital
invested in the industrial sector, and gross oil and coal production. These indicators
are taken as GDP, population, import and export for Turkey's energy demand estima-
tion [19, 20].
Rijal et al. [21] developed an energy demand model which could project energy re-
quirements in rural Nepal. The main end uses considered in this analysis were cook-
ing, heating and lighting. Iniyan et al. [22] studied sensitivity analysis of an optimal
renewable energy mathematical model on demand variations. Tukey's future energy
demand estimation and optimal investment planning issues are studied by [23-27].
Gilland [28] developed an energy demand projection of the world for the years
2000 and 2020. Gungor and Arikan [29] developed a method to compare natural gas,
imported coal and nuclear power plants in terms of long-term production economy.
Haldenbilen and Ceylan [11] developed three forms of energy demand equations in
order to forecast the transport energy consumption for future projections based on GA
approach. They used population, GDP and Car Equivalent Approach as independent
variables. Ceylan et al. [8] proposed an HS based model for transport energy demand
modeling problem. The results of the study showed that the HS algorithm may be
used for energy modeling, but sensitivity analysis is required to obtain the best values
of the HS parameters.
3 Meta-heuristic Harmony Search Algorithm
The HS algorithm, which has been developed by Geem et al. [30], mimics a musical
improvisation process in which the musicians in an orchestra try to find a fantastic
harmony through musical improvisations. This musical process can be adapted into
engineering optimization processes where the main objective is to find the global or
near-global solution of a given objective function. In this adaptation, each musician is
replaced with a decision variable. Therefore, the perfect harmony means the global or
near-global solution.
The HS algorithm has recently been applied to various engineering optimization prob-
lems including a river flood model [31], an optimal design of dam drainage pipes [32], a
design of water distribution networks [33], a simultaneous determination of aquifer pa-
rameters and zone structures [34], a combined heat and power economic dispatch [35], an
optimum design of steel frames [36], and a transport energy modeling problem [8]. HS
was also applied to the optimal design of planar and space trusses [37-39].
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