Biology Reference
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8. SD dropout plates: 6.7 g yeast nitrogen base without amino
acids, 20 g agar, 100 ml 10× dropout solution (see above),
850 ml water. Adjust the pH to 5.8 if necessary and autoclave.
Allow to cool to 55 °C and then add 50 ml of fi lter-sterilized
40 % glucose (or other appropriate carbon source to fi nal con-
centration 2 %, see Note 6 ) and pour plates.
9. 5-FOA plates: solution A—14 g/l yeast nitrogen base without
amino acids, 100 mg/l uracil, 110 mg/l adenine, 40 g/l glu-
cose, 20 ml/l solution B, sterilize by fi ltration; solution
B—400 mg/100 ml tryptophan, 600 mg/100 ml leucine,
100 mg/100 ml histidine, 100 mg/100 ml methionine, steril-
ize by fi ltration ( see Note 7 ); solution C—40 g/l agar, auto-
claved. For twenty 35 mm Petri dishes, which is a reasonable
amount, dissolve 70 mg of 5-FOA (e.g., Sigma F5013) in
35 ml of solution A. It is quite diffi cult to dissolve; heating the
solution to approx. 40 degrees is recommendable. Mix with
35 ml of melted agar (solution C) and pour approx. 3 ml per
35 mm dish (use larger dishes if treating many strains at the
same time).
10. 15 % glycerol, autoclaved.
11. Sterile 1.5 ml screw-top Eppendorf vials or cryogenic storage
12. Sterile wooden toothpicks ( see Note 8 ), glass rods for plating,
and a bacteriological wire loop.
13. Sterile water.
14. Sterile plastic Petri dishes, pipette tips, Eppendorf vials, glass
bacteriological tubes with stoppers, and Erlenmeyer fl asks.
2.4 Yeast
1. Sterile water.
2. 2×YEPD medium: 20 g/l yeast extract, 40 g/l peptone,
40 g/l glucose, 80 mg/l adenine. Autoclave the glucose solu-
tion separately ( see Note 5 ).
3. Single-stranded carrier DNA: can be obtained from different
sources as ready-to-use solution with concentration ranging
from 2 mg/ml to 10 mg/ml (e.g., Sigma D7656). Store ali-
quots in −20 °C. Immediately before transformation or while
cells are growing, thaw 1 ml carrier DNA, incubate for 5 min
at 99 °C (or boiling water bath), then place immediately on
ice. Repeat boiling and cooling twice for high-effi ciency trans-
formation (for rapid transformation, once is enough).
4. 10× TE: 100 mM Tris, 10 mM EDTA, pH 7.5. Use 0.5-1 M
Tris stock solution with pH adjusted to pH 7.5 by HCl to
prepare this buffer.
5. LiAc/TE mix: 1.1 ml/10 ml 1 M lithium acetate solution,
1.1 ml/10 ml 10× TE, 7.8 ml/10 ml water, sterilize by
fi ltration.
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