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procedure. If sections are collected on uncoated nickel or gold
grids, both surfaces can be stained by fully submerging grids in
reagents. Such grids can also be used for double labeling when
each side is exposed to different primary and secondary anti-
bodies (but not immersed!).
18. For prolonged incubation place covered Petri dish in a wet
chamber. Vibration of the samples during incubation helps to
shorten incubation time and may also reduce nonspecifi c
background labeling [ 1 ]. The dish of shakers may become hot
after prolonged use. A thin sheet of polystyrene beneath the
Petri dish or the moist chamber prevents heating of samples.
19. All washing steps given in this protocol are minimums! In case
of high background, staining or dirt on sections increase
number of washing steps and incubation times.
20. For easier detection at low magnifi cation, the size of the gold
particles can be increased with silver enhancement kits avail-
able from different companies.
21. This step is only required for sections with very low contrast and
when using conventional EMs without energy fi ltering [ 22 ].
Too much contrast makes recognition of small gold particles
diffi cult. Thoroughly wash grids with water after staining.
This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (project
no. P 22957-B20 to IF).
1. Hawes CR, Satiat-Jeunemaitre B (eds) (2001)
Plant cell biology: a practical approach. Oxford
University Press, Oxford
2. Hayat MA (ed) (1991) Colloidal gold.
Principles, methods and applications, vol 1-3.
Academic, London
3. Koster AJ, Klumperman J (2003) Electron
microscopy in cell biology: integrating struc-
ture and function. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol
4. Schwartzbach SD, Osafune T (eds) (2010)
Immunoelectron microscopy: methods and
protocols. Springer Protocols. Humana Press
Inc., Totowa, NJ
5. Hall JL, Hawes CR (eds) (1991) Electron
microscopy of plant cells. Academic, London
6. Javois LC (ed) (1991) Immunocytochemical
methods and protocols. Methods in molecu-
lar biology, vol 115. Humana Press Inc.,
Totowa, NJ
7. Takizawa T, Robinson JM (2000)
FluoroNanogold is a bifunctional immuno-
probe for correlative fl uorescence and electron
microscopy. J Histochem Cytochem 48:
8. Nisman R, Dellaire G, Ren Y et al (2004)
Application of quantum dots as probes for cor-
relative fl uorescence, conventional, and
energy-fi ltered transmission electron micros-
copy. J Histochem Cytochem 52:13-18
9. Verkleij AJ, Leunissen JL (eds) (1989)
Immuno-gold-labeling in cell biology. CRC,
Boca Raton
10. Griffi ths G (1993) Fine structure immunocy-
tochemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York
11. Bozzola JJ, Russell LD (1999) Electron
microscopy: principles and techniques for biol-
ogists. Jones and Bartlett Publishers
International, London
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