Biology Reference
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Fig. 1 ( a ) “Set up tomogram” window for generating command scripts. ( b ) “Process Control” window that
opens after scripts are ready. The buttons are arranged in the order of use for calculating a dual axis tomogram.
( c ) Seed model showing 25 fi ducials (marked with green circles ) on the zero tilt angle image. ( d ) In the “Bead
Fixer” window, eTomo suggests amounts to shift a fi ducial with an arrow . ( e ) Fiducial model showing the tra-
jectories of the 25 fi ducials in the tilt image series. ( f ) 3dmod zap window showing a sample tomogram for
creating a boundary model. Two lines were drawn by placing two points on both the top and bottom surfaces.
In the panel, the two green lines encompassing the section are shown
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