Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4 ( a ) The cell outlines of the previous time point are placed above the surface of the new time point. ( b )
The central cells are aligned to seed the cells using the same labels. ( c ) Result of the co-labelling. Labelling
more than one triangle makes it more obvious which cells have been labelled already. ( d ) Result of the co-
segmentation: top , the previous time point; bottom , the new time point. ( e ) Growth heat map based on the
co-segmentation of the tissue. ( f ) Projection of DR5::VENUS expression pattern onto the segmented mesh. ( g )
Heat map of DR5::VENUS average intensity per cell
9. Set the stack 2 tab as current, so the stack 2 is the active one.
10. Use the tool “Grab seed from other surface” (i.e., the hand in
the mesh toolbar). You are now ready to label stack 2.
11. Press “Alt + Left click” to label the cells. The label used is the
one of the cell of the stack 1 through which you click (Fig. 4c ).
If a cell has divided, make sure all daughter cells get labelled
with the same seed. A convenient way to achieve this is to
draw a line between the cells.
12. Continue the co-segmentation using the steps 5 - 9 of the sin-
gle tissue segmentation process.
3.6 Computing
Geometric Properties
of a Tissue
After segmentation, MorphoGraphX offers a set of tools for the
analysis of cell shape and the signal intensity of fl uorescent
To compute geometric properties (area) of a cell/tissue:
1. Load the segmented mesh, for example, by dropping the mesh
fi le onto the visualization area.
2. Use the mesh process “Heat Map” in the “Heat Map” folder.
The “Heat Map Type” should be “Area” and the “Heat Map
Visualization” should be set to “Geometry.” You can select a
fi le in which the output will be written, which can be read by
most spreadsheet and analysis software. You can also specify a
range for the color scale, or leave it blank and the color will be
auto-scaled to the data.
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