Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Flow is laminar viscous and incompressible and the flow is
through a constant circular cross-section that is substantially
longer than its diameter
Homogeneous fluid
Fluid having constant density
The assumption whereby each phase shares a common flow
multiphase flow
field as well as other relevant fields such as temperature and
Hydrostatic pressure
The forces from a fluid acting on the submerged surface of
an object
The study of liquids at rest
Ideal gas
Is a concept that allows a simplified state for analysis. It
is a theoretical gas composed of randomly moving non-
interacting particles
Incompressible flow
Fluid flow is considered incompressible when its density
remains constant within the flow domain. This is important
when setting up a CFPD problem so that simpler models can
be used for a constant density
A more complex representation of multiphase flows where
multiphase flow
each phase has its own flow (includeing temperature and
turbulence) field
Invisicid flow
Flow without viscous effects, also known as potential
flow. The viscous terms in the momentum equation are
Irrotational flow
Flow where the streamlines ever loop back on itself, typically
found in invisicid flows
Kinetic energy
Is the energy which the fluid possesses due to its motion, and
is also usually defined as the dynamic pressure, determined
by 1/2
u 2
Describes fluid motion by focussing on a fixed location in
space through which the fluid flows as time passes (compare
with Lagrangian description )
An organized flow field where fluid particles flow in layers
and do not readily mix.
Lift coefficient
A perpendicular force to the flow direction exerted on an
object by the fluid flowing around it, normalised by dynamic
pressure and frontal area
Regions of the computational domain where the mathemat-
ical equations are applied to
Mesh independence
The method implemented to ensure that any further refine-
ments to increase the number of mesh cells does not affect
the results
Describes a fluid or flow that exhibits a constant viscosity
and there is a linear stress versus strain rate curve
Points in the mesh where data is stored
Describes a fluid or flow where the viscosity is not constant
and there is a non-linear relationship between the shear and
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