Java Reference
In-Depth Information
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W elcome to threading. In this chapter we will demystify this topic by breaking it down into
manageable sections and subsections using real-world examples and metaphors. The purpose
of this chapter is to explain the conceptual and technical details you need to pass the SCJD
exam, including the written part of the exam.
The first sections of this chapter introduce threading and the challenges of multithread-
ing. Waiting is explained in detail, as is locking. Finally, there is a subsection on thread safety
issues, including deadlocks, starvation, race conditions, and monitors.
The sections that follow discuss the various ways that Thread objects can be used directly,
considerations of threading when working with Swing, and the dos and don'ts of threading.
Finally, we'll conclude with a FAQ section that covers some common threading questions.
Specifically the following topics are covered:
An introduction to threads and multithreading
Locking and synchronization
The new locking capabilities of JDK 5
Effective thread management through waiting, sleeping, and yielding
The importance of thread safety
Record-locking strategies
Note This chapter is only designed to be an introduction to threading. If you want to gain an in-depth
understanding of threading, we recommend Allen Holub's excellent topic, Taming Java Threads (Apress,
Threading Fundamentals
Before you start this chapter, there are few things you should already know about threads. You
should know that there are two ways to create a thread of execution in Java: the first by extend-
ing the Thread object, and the second by implementing the Runnable interface. You should
know that to start a thread you must call the start method, and you should know that threads
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