Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The users, Denny's employees, must be able to do the following:
Perform the operations defined in the through a GUI interface.
Enable multiuser networked access to a centralized DVD database.
Allow network access via RMI or sockets.
Make the database implementation thread-safe (implicitly required for multiuser
networked access).
Tip Included in the source code available for download is a class. This is a useful
command-line program that was available in the download that accompanied the first edition of this topic
but, due to recent changes in the format of the certification project, is not necessary in the second-edition
version of Denny's DVDs. Even though we do not discuss the in this topic, we include it
anyway as a convenience to those downloading the code. Think of the as a simplified
command-line version of the GUI tool.
Creating the GUI
The GUI must allow an employee to view DVD information such as the UPC, title, rental sta-
tus, director, actors, actresses, composer, and number of store copies. The GUI must also allow
an employee to conduct a search on any of these DVD attributes. These attributes are listed in
the class diagrams in Figure 3-3. The GUI should provide the user with the option of connect-
ing to the database locally or through a network. It does not need to take into account any
security features such as authentication and logon. Because the SCJD exam currently requires
the use of Swing for the GUI, you will also use Swing for your project's GUI.
Note Swing is a Sun technology built on top of the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). AWT is part of the
Java Foundation Classes (JFC). Knowledge of the AWT is no longer necessary for programmer-level certifica-
tion, and a direct understanding of how Swing utilizes the AWT is not essential for developer certification.
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