Java Reference
In-Depth Information
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Project Overview
I n this chapter, we introduce the sample application, which will serve as a wellspring for the
myriad of topics required for developer certification. The sample project, Denny's DVDs, has
a structure and format similar to the one you will encounter during the Sun Certified Java
Developer (SCJD) exam, and it will demonstrate each of the essential concepts necessary for
successful completion of the certification project. Each chapter adds an integral component
to the project and builds from the preceding chapter, so that by the end of the topic you will
have a complete and properly functioning version of Denny's DVDs version 2.0. As an added
benefit, Denny's DVDs utilizes Java 2 Platform Standard Edition ( J2SE) 5, and some of the
“Tiger” features, such as autoboxing and generics, are elucidated in the following chapters.
Note “Tiger” is the code name for J2SE 5, and the two terms will be referred to interchangeably through-
out the topic. Sometimes we will use the term “Tigerize,” which means to add a J2SE 5 language feature to
code originally composed as a J2SE 1.4 program. We do this quite a bit in the sample project, and even the
DOSClient makes use of generics. For more information on J2SE 5 and the plethora of new features that
have been added (some of which are discussed in this topic), go to
technicalArticles/releases/j2se15 .
What Are the Essential Requirements for the
Sun Certification Project?
To demonstrate “developer-level” competency for Sun certification, your project submission
must successfully accomplish the following objectives:
It must implement an application interface provided by Sun.
It must use either RMI or serialized objects over sockets for networking.
It must use Swing with a JTable for display.
It must be entirely contained within one single executable JAR and, consequently,
should not require any command-line options to run.
Configuration settings must be persisted between application runs.
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