Java Reference
In-Depth Information
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Project Wrap-Up
C ongratulations! You've made it through a myriad of complex topics and intricate details.
We've covered a lot of information that will help you pass the Sun Certified Java Developer
(SCJD) exam, and we've exposed you to some of the new features of JDK 5. This chapter sum-
marizes some of the architectural decisions we confronted during the completion of our
sample project, and it wraps up some of the loose ends regarding packaging and running the
application. In this chapter we will cover
Understanding the design decisions
Finding out where to get the code samples
Compiling and packaging the application
Creating a manifest file
Running the application in local mode
Running the application in network mode
Running a multithreaded test client
Packaging the submission
Figure 9-1 presents an overview of the Denny's DVDs 2.0 application.
Note Normally you would expect to see an overall diagram of an application drawn from left to right, or
top-down—in other words, the client would normally be in the far left of the diagram or in the top location.
There is a reason we have drawn the diagram bottom-up, though: it matches the way we have developed
the project through this topic. We started with the DvdDatabase class in Chapter 5, proceeded with the RMI
and sockets classes in Chapters 6 and 7, and built the GUI classes in Chapter 8.
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