Java Reference
In-Depth Information
For the purposes of this topic, it made sense for us to develop the networking code first,
as we will be connecting to the database via direct connection and via the various networking
options from within our GUI.
Caution A common misconception made by end users is that when they have seen the user interface,
then the entire project is close to completion. It can save a lot of confusion if you spend extra time with the
client to make sure that they understand how much additional work is required at the time you show them
the user interface. One attempt to get around this misconception is the Napkin Look & Feel for Swing appli-
cations. See for further details.
Of all components in an application, none affects the user quite as much as the GUI. This
is true by an interface's nature: It is the method by which an end user interacts with a system.
Unfortunately, the GUI is often the most de-emphasized part of the application development
process. This is truly a fallacy, since a user interface can sometimes make or break an entire
system. If a GUI is convoluted and difficult to navigate, users will quickly become frustrated
and the result will be a poor overall user experience. In the end, a system is only successful if
people can successfully use it.
This chapter aims to introduce concepts of GUI layout, design, and implementation to
those who may not have given it much thought in the past. An interface is a required portion
of the SCJD exam, and this chapter provides novices with all the information they need to get
one up and running.
GUI Concepts
The SCJD exam requires that one individual complete all development work. This includes
development of all three tiers of the application: the server tier, the middle tier, and the
presentation tier. This is different from the more common working environment, where devel-
opers often specialize in a certain tier. It is common practice in the workforce to have a group
of back-end developers and a separate group of front-end developers working on a three-
tiered project. In the case of the SCJD exam, one developer must create all three tiers.
Tip The fact that you are doing the work that might normally be split into three teams can cause confu-
sion when reading Sun's instructions. Often candidates feel that requirements in the GUI section of the
instructions contradict instructions in the Data section. But when considered from the perspective of individ-
ual teams, you should find that the instructions do not contradict each other; the team building the Data
class has clear instructions to carry out. The team building the GUI has been told what the Data class will
provide, and can then add their own restrictions to meet the requirements of the GUI.
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