Java Reference
In-Depth Information
* @throws ClassNotFoundException Thrown if a
* <code>ClassNotFoundException</code> is
* encountered in the <code>db</code> class.
* <br>
* For more information, see {@link DvdDatabase}.
public DVD getDVD(String upc) throws RemoteException, IOException {
return db.getDVD(upc);
* Gets the store's inventory.
* All of the DVDs in the system.
* @return A collection of all found DVDs.
* @throws IOException Indicates there is a problem accessing the data.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException Indicates the Dvd class definition cannot
* be found.
public List<DVD> getDVDs() throws IOException {
return db.getDVDs();
* A properly formatted <code>String</code> expressions returns all matching
* DVD items. The <code>String</code> must be formatted as a regular
* expression.
* @param query A regular expression search string.
* @return A Collection of DVD objects that match
* the search criteria.
* @throws IOException Thrown if an IOException is
* encountered in the db class.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException Thrown if an
* ClassNotFoundException is encountered in the
* db class.
* @throws PatternSyntaxException Thrown if a
* PatternSyntaxException is encountered in the
* db class.
public Collection<DVD> findDVD(String query)
throws IOException, PatternSyntaxException {
return db.findDVD(query);
* Modifies a DVD database entry specified by a DVD object.
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