Java Reference
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Finally, we can export the factory instance to the RMI registry found in the register()
method in the RegDvdDatabase class. The createRegistry() method starts the Java RMI registry
public static void register(int port) throws java.rmi.RemoteException,{
//the default rmi port is 1099.
DvdDatabaseFactoryImpl dvdFactoryImplementation
= new DvdDatabaseFactoryImpl();
Naming.rebind("DvdMediator", dvdFactoryImplementation);
Note Starting the registry programmatically is a new project requirement. Sun no longer allows starting
the RMI Registry in a separate step.
Our RegDvdDatabase class binds the name DvdMediator to our remote object instance.
When the client (soon to be a Swing GUI in the next chapter) requests a remote reference to our
database application, it will require the services of the DVDConnector class. The DVDConnector
either returns a remote object or a DvdDatabase , which is the database wrapper for the
DvdFileAccess class; both are DBClient s.
It is important to realize that we are only exporting the factory—we do not ever need to
export the DvdDatabase remote object. In the DvdDatabaseFactory class we return the remote
object DvdDatabase :
public DvdDatabaseRemote getClient() throws RemoteException {
return new DvdDatabaseImpl();
And the reason for the factory in the first place is the new instance of the database itself,
which can be found in the constructor of our DvdDatabase remote implementation:
public DvdDatabaseImpl() throws RemoteException {
try {
db = new DvdDatabase();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
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