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49 synchronized (currentDish) {
50 currentDish.readyToEat = true;
51 //notify the dish's owner that the dish is ready
52 currentDish.notify();
53 }
55 //remove the dish from the queue of dishes that need service
56 dishes.remove(currentDish);
57 }
The synchronized blocks in lines 49-53 in the IceCreamMan 's serveIceCream method here,
and lines 55-66 of the Child 's eatIceCream method, require both threads to synchronize on the
same object. We have to assume that any programmers working on the Child class and the
IceCreamMan class will continue to use the synchronized blocks. However, there is a risk that a
Child may remove their synchronized code, which would mean that they could grab their dish
back before it has been filled with ice cream. This actually gives us a safeguard against the pro-
gram being changed—we can explain to other programmers that removing the synchronized
code could result in the Child thread getting a dish that has not been completely filled (or
could even be empty).
Tip Whenever code is written that depends on a particular way of implementing it, you should add an
implementation comment to explain the details to other programmers. We have shown this in the comments
in lines 50-54 of the Child class in the previous code listing.
While it is relatively easy to explain to a Child that they should not try to take the plate
before they have been told it is full (because they won't want to miss out on more ice cream), it
is harder to get them to agree not to try to hand their dishes over all at once—from their per-
spective the sooner they hand the dish over the sooner it will be filled. They don't particularly
care about fairness to the other children, or how well the IceCreamMan can handle receiving
multiple plates at once.
To guard against this, we have synchronized the IceCreamMan 's requestIceCream method.
By synchronizing the method, we can ensure that only one Child is ever handing a dish to the
IceCreamMan at a time.
59 /**
60 * Allow client objects to add dishes
61 */
62 public synchronized void requestIceCream(IceCreamDish dish) {
63 dishes.add(dish);
64 }
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