Java Reference
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53 * get a dish that is only half full (or even empty).
54 */
55 synchronized (myDish) {
56 while (myDish.readyToEat == false) {
57 // wait for the ice cream man's attention
58 try {
59 System.out.println(name + msg);
60 myDish.wait();
61 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
62 ie.printStackTrace();
63 }
64 }
65 myDish.readyToEat = false;
66 }
67 System.out.println(name +": yum");
68 }
69 }
71 class IceCreamDish {
72 public boolean readyToEat = false;
73 }
Line 55 synchronizes on the IceCreamDish reference, myDish . This means that the current
Child thread will not move past line 55 until it has exclusive access to the IceCreamDish refer-
ence of this particular Child object.
Remember that each Child and the IceCreamMan share access to that particular child's
IceCreamDish . The IceCreamMan could be modifying the IceCreamDish at any time; we don't
want the Child object to use the IceCreamDish until the IceCreamMan is through.
Now assume that the Child has achieved access to the IceCreamDish . This could happen
for two reasons. First, the IceCreamMan is not currently using that Dish (he does, after all, have
other Child objects to attend to). Second, the IceCreamMan is finished with that Dish . Line 56
checks the value of dish.readyToEat . This value tells the Child whether the IceCream is ready
to be eaten. A monitor is used between the Child objects and the IceCreamMan . Monitors will
be defined shortly. For now, think of a monitor as a prearranged signaling device between the
IceCreamMan and the Child objects.
If the dish.readyToEat value is false, then the IceCreamMan has not finished filling the
bowl. The Child can release the lock on the Dish by calling wait on it, as in line 60.
Notice that the Child thread checks the condition of the dish.readyToEat variable in a
while loop, not an if statement. The reason for this is due to a small problem with when the
JVM will return control to the application after a call to the wait method. The Sun Javadoc
comments for the wait method say, in part: “ A thread can also wake up without being notified,
interrupted, or timing out, a so-called spurious wakeup. While this will rarely occur in practice,
applications must guard against it by testing for the condition that should have caused the
thread to be awakened, and continuing to wait if the condition is not satisfied. In other words,
waits should always occur in loops.
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