Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Let us say we have access to the db1 database, and we want to represent two
projects, marketing and payroll . Using a special separator (by default a double
underscore) between the project name and the table name, we create the marketing ,
payroll__employees and payroll__jobs tables, achieving a visually interesting effect
as shown in the following screenshot:
This feature is parameterized with $cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator'] (set
here to '__' ) to choose the characters that will mark each level change, and
$cfg['LeftFrameTableLevel'] (set here to '1' ) for the number of sub-levels.
The nested-level feature is intended only for improving the navigation
panel's look. The proper way to reference the tables in MySQL
statements stays the same, for example, db1.payroll__jobs .
A click on the navigation panel on the project name (here payroll ) opens this project
in the main panel, showing only those tables associated with that project.
Counting the number of tables
By default, $cfg['Servers'][$i]['CountTables'] is set to false , to speed up the
display by not counting the number of tables per database. If set to true , this count
is displayed in the navigation panel, next to each database name.
Choosing from the server list
If we have to manage multiple servers from the same phpMyAdmin window and
often need to switch between servers, it is useful to always have the list of servers in
the navigation panel.
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