Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Navigation panel
The navigation panel contains the following elements:
• The logo
• The server list ( if $cfg['LeftDisplayServers'] is set to TRUE )
• The Home link or icon (takes you back to the phpMyAdmin home page)
• A Log out link or icon (if logging out is possible)
• A link or icon leading to the Query window
• Icons to display phpMyAdmin and MySQL documentation
• A Reload link or icon (to refresh just this panel)
• A table name ilter (under certain conditions, see later in the Table name
ilter section)
• The names of databases and tables
If $cfg['MainPageIconic'] is set to TRUE (the default), we see the icons. However,
if it is set to FALSE , we see the links.
The navigation panel can be resized by clicking and moving the vertical separation
line in the preferred direction to reveal more data, in case the database or table
names are too long for the default navigation panel size.
We can customize the appearance of this panel. Many appearance-related
parameters are located in themes/<themename>/ . The
$cfg['NaviWidth'] parameter contains the default width of the navigation
panel in pixels. The background color is defined in $cfg['NaviBackground'] .
The $cfg['NaviPointerColor'] parameter defines the pointer color. To
activate the navigation pointer for any theme being used, a master setting,
$cfg['LeftPointerEnable'] , exists in . Its default value is TRUE .
Configuring the logo
The logo display behavior is controlled by a number of parameters. First,
$cfg['LeftDisplayLogo'] has to be set to TRUE , to enable any displaying of the
logo. It is true by default. A click on this logo brings the interface to the page listed
in the $cfg['LeftLogoLink'] parameter, which is usually the main phpMyAdmin
page (default value main.php ), but can be changed to any URL. Finally, the
$cfg['LeftLogoLinkWindow'] parameter indicates in which window the new
page appears after a click on the logo. By default, it's on the main page (value main ).
However, it could be on a brand new window by using the value new .
The logo image itself comes from the logo_left.png file, which is located in each
specific theme directory structure.
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