Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
We can also force a single language by setting the $cfg['Lang'] parameter with
a value, such as 'fr' (French). Another parameter, $cfg['FilterLanguages'] ,
is available. Suppose we want to shorten the list of available languages to English
and Français—French , as those are the ones used exclusively by the users of this
phpMyAdmin's instance. This is accomplished by building a regular expression
indicating which languages we want to display based on the ISO 639 codes of these
languages. To continue with our example, we would use:
$cfg['FilterLanguages'] = '^(fr|en)';
In this expression, the caret ( ^ ) means "starting with" and the ( | ) means "or". The
expression indicates that we are restricting the list to languages whose corresponding
ISO codes start with fr or en .
By default, this parameter is empty, meaning that no filter is applied to the list of
available languages.
On some pages, you will see a small plus sign followed by a controlling label—either
Options or Details . A click on the label opens a slider to reveal a section of the
interface, which is believed to be less often used in day-to-day work. As few people
prefer to immediately see the whole interface at the expense of screen space, there is
a configuration parameter that controls how the sliders are initially set:
$cfg['InitialSlidersState'] = 'closed';
The default value of closed means that sliders must be opened by a click on
the label; you might have guessed that the reverse value is open . A third value,
disabled , can be used by slider-allergic users.
Restricting the list of databases
Sometimes it is useful to avoid showing in the navigation panel, all the databases
a user has access to. phpMyAdmin offers two ways of restriction— only_db
and hide_db .
To specify the list of what can be seen, the only_db parameter is used. It may contain
a database name or a list of database names. Only these databases will be seen in the
navigation panel:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = 'payroll';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = array('payroll', 'hr);
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