Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Defining rules
The format of a rule is:
<'allow' | 'deny'> <username> [from] <source>
The from keyword being optional; here are some examples:
allow Bob from 1.2.3/24
User Bob is allowed from any address matching the
network 1.2.3 (this is CIDR IP matching, more details at ).
deny Alice from 4.5/16
User Alice cannot access when located on network 4.5 .
allow Melanie from all
User Melanie can log in from anywhere.
deny % from all
all can be used as an equivalent to , meaning
any host. Here, the % sign means any user.
Usually we will have several rules. Let us say we wish to have the following
two rules:
allow Marc from
allow Melanie from all
We have to put them in (in the related server-specific section)
as follows:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] =
array('allow Marc from', 'allow Melanie from all');
When defining a single rule or multiple rules, a PHP array is used. We must follow
its syntax, enclosing each complete rule within single quotes and separating each
rule from the next with a comma. Thus, if we have only one rule, we must still
use an array to specify it. The next parameter explains the order in which rules
are interpreted.
Order of interpretation for rules
By default, this parameter is empty:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = '';
This means that no IP-based verification is made.