Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
For authentication purposes, controluser is a special user (the usual name we
choose for it is pma ) who has the rights to read some fields in the special mysql
database (which contains all the user definitions). phpMyAdmin sends queries
with this special controluser only for the specific needs of authentication, and
not for normal operation. The commands to create the control user are available in
phpMyAdmin's Documentation.html and may vary from one version to the other.
This documentation contains the most current commands.
When our controluser is created in the MySQL server, we fill in the parameters as
in the following example, replacing xxx with a suitably complex password:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = 'pma';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = 'xxx';
Standard passwo rd guidelines apply here. Please refer to http ://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Password_strength for suggestions.
Installing phpMyAdmin configuration
In addition to basic MySQL databases maintenance, phpMyAdmin offers advanced
features that we will discover in the following chapters. These features require the
installation of the phpMyAdmin configuration storage.
Goal of the configuration storage
The configuration storage consists of a set of tables that are used behind the scene by
phpMyAdmin. They hold metadata which contains information to support special
features such as query bookmarks and data transformation. Moreover, for tables
using a storage engine that does not support foreign keys, relations between tables
are kept in this configuration storage. The metadata is generated and maintained by
phpMyAdmin on the basis of our actions from the interface.
Location of the configuration storage
There are two possible places to store these tables:
• A user's database—to facilitate every web developer owning a database to
benefit from these features.
• A dedicated database called pmadb ( phpMyAdmin database ). In a
multi-user installation, this database may be accessible to a number of
users while keeping the metadata private.
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