Databases Reference
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Having done that, we refresh the page in our browser and get a screen resembling
the following screenshot:
In the configuration dialog, a drop-down menu permits the user to choose the proper
end-of-line format. We should pick up the format that corresponds to the platform
( UNIX / Linux or Windows ) on which we will open file with a text
editor later.
A single copy of phpMyAdmin can be used to manage many MySQL servers but for
now we will define parameters describing our first MySQL server. We click on New
server , and the server configuration panel is shown.
A complete explanation of these parameters can be found in the following sections
of this chapter. For now, we notice that the setup process has detected that PHP
supports the mysqli extension. Therefore, this is the one that is chosen by default. This
extension is the programming library used by PHP to communicate with MySQL.
We assume that our MySQL server is located on localhost . Hence, we keep this
value and all the proposed values intact, except for the following:
Basic settings | Verbose name of this server —we enter my server
Authentication | User for config auth —we remove root and leave it empty,
as the default authentication type is cookie , which ignores a username
entered here
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