Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
This brings us back to the following, familiar page except for a change in one section:
We see the existing privileges (we could click on Edit Privileges link to edit or on
Revoke link to revoke them) on the bill database for user bill , and we can add
privileges for bill on another database. We can also see that bill has no table-specific
privilege on the bill database.
Changing the password
The Change password dialog is part of the Edit user page, and we can use it either
to change bill 's password or to remove it. Removing the password will enable
bill to log in without a password. The dialog offers a choice of password hashing
options, and it's recommended to keep the default of MySQL 4.1+ hashing. For more
details about hashing, please visit
password-hashing.html .
Changing login information or copying a user
This dialog can be used to change the user's login information, or to copy his or her
login information to a new user. For example, suppose that Bill calls and tells us
that he prefers the login name billy instead of bill . We just have to add a y to the
username, and then select delete the old one from the user tables radio button, as
shown in the following screenshot:
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