Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Then it's only a matter of selecting these GRANT statements and pasting them in
the SQL box of another phpMyAdmin window, where we have logged in on another
MySQL server.
Privileges reload
At the bottom of User overview page, this message is displayed:
Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users' privileges directly from MySQL's
privilege tables. The content of these tables may differ from the
privileges the server uses, if they have been changed manually. In
this case, you should reload the privileges before you continue.
Here, the text reload the privileges is clickable. The effective privileges (the ones
against which the server bases its access decisions) are the privileges that are
located in the server's memory. Privilege modifications that are made from the
User overview page are made both in memory and on disk in the mysql database.
Modifications made directly to the mysql database do not have immediate effect. The
reload the privileges operation reads the privileges from the database and makes
them effective in memory.
Adding a user
The Add a new User link opens a dialog for user account creation. First, we see the
panel where we will describe the account itself, as shown in the following screenshot:
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