Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Supporting Features Added
in MySQL 5
MySQL 5.0 introduced a number of new features that calmed down a number of
developers and industry observers who were claiming that MySQL was inferior to
competitors' products. Views, stored procedures, triggers, a standard information_
schema , and (more recently) a profiling mechanism are now present in the MySQL
spectrum. These features are covered in this chapter.
Among the new features of MySQL 5.1, the ones that relate to a web interface (for
example, partitioning and events) are supported in phpMyAdmin and are covered in
this chapter as well.
Supporting views
MySQL 5.0 introduced support for named and updatable views (more details are
available at ). A view is a
derived table (consider it a virtual table) whose definition is stored in the database. A
SELECT statement done on one or more tables (or even on views), can be stored as a
view and can also be queried.
Views can be used to:
• Limit the visibility of columns (for example, do not show salary information)
• Limit the visibility of rows (for example, do not show data for speciic
world regions)
• Hide a changed table structure (so that legacy applications can continue
to work)
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