Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Transforming Data
using MIME
In this chapter, we will cover a powerful phpMyAdmin feature—its ability to
transform a column's contents during a table browse, based on specific rules called
transformations. Normally, browsing a table shows only the original data that
resides in it. However, MIME-based transformations permit the alteration of the
display format.
Note that this kind of transformation does not have the same effect as a permanent
data change, such as one made via the UPDATE statement. The transformed data is not
written back to the MySQL server; it is just sent to the browser for display purposes.
Browsing data without transformations
Normally, the exact contents of each row are displayed, except that:
• The TEXT and CHARACTER columns might be truncated, according to
$cfg['LimitChars'] , and depending on whether we have chosen to see
Full Texts or not
BLOB and geometry-related columns might be replaced by a message such
as [BLOB - 1.5 KB]
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