Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Documenting the System
Producing and maintaining good documentation about data structure is crucial for a
project's success, especially when it's a team project. Indeed, being able to show the
current data dictionary and proposed column changes to the other team members
provides a valuable means of communication. Moreover, a graphical display of
the inter-table relations quickly demonstrates the inner workings of the database.
Fortunately, phpMyAdmin has documentation features that take care of these things.
Producing structure reports
From the Structure page of either the Database or the Table view, the Print view
link is available for producing reports about our database's structure. Moreover,
a Data Dictionary link in Database view produces a different report. These are
detailed in the following sections.
Creating a printable report
When phpMyAdmin generates results, there is always a Print view link that can be
used to generate a printable report of the data. The Print view feature can also be
used to produce basic structure documentation. This is done in two steps. The first
click on Print view displays a report on the screen, with a Print button at the end of
the page. This Print button later generates a report formatted for the printer.
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