Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
By examining the positioning of the AND and OR operators, we can see that the first
row of the conditions is linked by the AND (because AND is chosen under the name
column) operator, and the second row of conditions is linked to the rest by the OR
operator. The condition that we have just added ( LIKE '%8%' ) is not meant to find
anyone, because we changed the phone number of all the authors with the name
"Smith" to "444-5555" (in Chapter 11 ).
If we want another criterion on the same column, we just add a criteria row.
Adjusting the number of criteria rows
The number of criteria rows can be changed in two ways. First, we can select the Ins
checkbox under Criteria to add one criteria row (after clicking on Update Query ). As
this checkbox can add only one criteria row at a time, we will uncheck it and use the
Add/Delete criteria rows dialog instead. In this dialog, we choose to add two rows.
Another click on the Update Query button produces the following screen:
Now, you can see that there are two additional criteria rows (which are empty at
the moment). We can also remove criteria rows. This can be done by ticking the Del
checkbox beside the row(s) we want to remove. Let us remove the two rows we have
just added, as we don't need them now. The Update Query button refreshes the page
with the specified adjustment.
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